L'Oréal Dermatological Beauty Pro is a digital community empowering healthcare professionals to improve their daily practice of dermatology through cutting-edge research, science and education on skin and hair care.
Skin care regimens have been recommended in conjunction with topical medications for the treatment of rosacea. Specifically, a mild cleanser and a moisturizer can help relieve symptoms and maintain skin barrier integrity. The Assessment of Skin Characteristics Study, a multicenter open- label study (N5102), compared the use of a specified skin care regimen with or without the moisturizer component. Participants used a facial cleanser immediately before application of aze- laic acid (AzA) gel 15% twice daily to both sides of the face and then applied the provided mois- turizer to the right side of the face only. Scores for severity and duration of stinging, burning, tingling, and itching were recorded in the morn- ing and evening for 7 days. Cumulative symptom scores (CSSs) decreased on the right side of the face with facial moisturizer applied.
Cutis. 2009;84:72-76.
James Q. Del Rosso, DO